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Both And Poem:

Updated: May 5, 2021

Enlightenment is a monument built by the accumulation of mantras meticulously piled up until you reach the sky. You can just listen in silence. Not eating is like a guarantee. Care of the immortal

Body always has first priority. In the age of individualization it is unusual to go into annihilation but that is the best thing for your stabilization. We learn from Pythagoras that self-abnegation is good for your health. You can join the Saints above and apply for strength. It is best to first conquer death before you try to help others. You can push forward until you reach the other shore. You can move with Elaine and Vigor. Your knees can learn to submit to the higher self’s authority. You can learn to sit in contemplation for the effective forever. In my class you start at four. You can even sit twice a day on the floor. The fact that you sit is enlightenment. The sound current is the best way to pre-heal yourself. When you descended into the human condition you were placed in a unusual situation. The strange

paradox is that those who are not in denial of death are the only ones reading “The Denial of Death”. The ones who need to read it are not. Sometimes the pulitzer is right and you have to go back to the seventies. If you have no desire whatsoever how can coronavirus affect you? My recommendation during the crisis is to stay at home in cross-legged deep contemplation so you can learn meditation. You can hoard spiritual books as inspiration. You don’t need a lot of food because you can do fasting. That way you can find something lasting. When there is heavy rain that gives you an opportunity to make major alternations to your brain. There is no need to always complain. Your kundalini should be free flowing. While you are hiding from death you can prepare for it. If tennis is rained out you can still do yoga and jog and remain positive. Mind seems to be the problem and is always in overdrive. You can try just slowing it down. You should do one thing because “both/and” is the way to hell.

A Poem by David R. Smith NYC

March 13, 2020

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