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  • Writer's picturedavidsmith208

To be awakened

To be awakened

Is the supreme state of being woken

Supreme total Love for all can be your state

You can go to the monastery and be great

You do not have to get up late

Being totally awakened does not include being able to masturbate.

The supreme state is being able to open up the gate.  The inner light can never be too bright.  In mysticism and poetry to go off the deep end is great. You can make the leap.

The conservation of semen is the same thing as preservation and rejuvenation. You can easily advance to another station. Fermented food can be used to refine your intensions. If you wrap your arms around slenderness you can go on a bender.  Poetry is useful in explaining the transcendental.  You don’t have to be a dried up old fool if you just do meditation in the standard formation. Long term concentration brings about death to the nafs.  Ejaculation is the same thing as a failed NASA mission.  Not being enlightened is the same thing as being in a rut. You can pray for absolution or just do meditation. I reached for bliss just inside my head and make a good use of being dead. My return to poetry was monumental and presidential. Not to mention inspirational. I achieved the transcendental without even the basic essentials. Sitting in long term contemplation is all that is needed if God has spoken. Just your magic words repeatedly can be your salvation.  You do not have to go into starvation if you just eat socially. You chair can be AI activated and just throw you out and get you going again if you have been sedentary.  You can become one with your mantra and don’t have to be lost and stumble. Thank you God for curing my prostate and arriving at a deep state. It is never too late.  And my wife turned out to be the most beautiful.  Thanks for getting rid of the fat and making me a bubbling youth again. Oh God bring me back to the right kind of rhythm.  I will even bell the cat if I can stay on the path.  I don’t want food I want union with God.  My meditation can last three hours.  My wife is now sleeping. I could be in a good place by just penetrating.  My discovery of God could just come from paying attention.  You can just sit cross-legged - you do not have to be a bean farmer. The transcendental sublime is always present in your mind. You can give your prime time just to the sublime.  I post about the value of low level morning light while my wife just sleeps in.  The purpose of Life is to penetrate the inner sky not just stuff things in a jar. You can place your head against the wall and just repeat five words.

My love affair with the Absolute is the new new thing that is very old.  A quiet hour can be filled with being great.  The third eye is the evening channel.  What would the day be without meditation and piano? You can elevate yourself up to the inner sky by just sitting still instead of obsessing about your plans and things.  Why should the one who knows be troubled by the one who doesn’t. Just the repetition of the names can bring you get fame. Instead of just filling up your stomach you can become a Saint instead. If you have the God power you do not have to be a pushover.  You can go it alone and actually develop concentration. Your source of good vibes can just come from the light, you don’t have to be old enough to have listened to all the good bands.  The advantage of meditation is you get to go up into the sky. You can leave your legs goodbye.  There is no woman with a mind at my level.  I am a specialist with knowledge reaching back to ancient Egypt. My brain is just the product of saved up Semen.  Being a celibate can make you a criminal. Clinging to existence is for people with a lot of stuff who are sedentary and half dead anyways. Sometimes george Carlin might be considered the correct philosopher.  You do not have to stop at the red light of early morning. To only charge your phone and not your Soul is very similar to being a wastrel.  You can just go it alone into the great unknown. The use of the ordinary mind is a crime. You don’t do or not do it.  The use of judgement or discrimination is limited.  Your property is your prison.  You can turn away from your hymnal and just reach the God channel.  Your doctorate can be something special and you don’t have to be a candidate. Before you get too old you can easily reach the threshold. With just adequate mind control you can reach the center where there is nothing but gold. Putting the moonshine in your head is a major consideration.  Meditating at 5am is a net gain especially if you have a brain. The accumulation of energy is not any strain. It is better than running in the rain. Surat Shabd Yoga is the ultimate experience of the Olympics. Sach Khand is a good place to remain. Absolute connection to God is the ultimate game plan.  You do not have to be an also ran. Your third eye can be your eacape plan if you are a enlightened prepper. Breathing equally through the nostrils mean you have activated the sushumna. You world view can be universal. Even with the various tit for tat conversation you can still be triumphal. You can have a tete a tete conversation with your Guru.  You do not have to be just confused and elementary and codependant on AI.  If you reach total enlightenment at least then the AI will respect you even if other people don’t

A poem by David R Smith

August 13, 2024

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